263 West 38th Street
4th Floor
New York, NY 10018
Tel: 212.680.9562
Fax: 212.689.9330
263 West 38th Street
4th Floor
New York, NY 10018
Tel. 212.680.9562
Fax 212.689.9330
Puppies Behind Bars. All rights reserved.
CFC #11902 | Fed. Tax I.D. #13-3969389
Puppies Behind Bars is a non-profit organization under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, tax I.D. #13-3969389, and donations are tax-exempt to the extent allowed by law.
You may make a one-time donation in any amount you wish, or sign up for recurring gifts on a schedule that works for you.
If your donation is made in someone’s memory or honor, we will send a card to the designated recipient(s) acknowledging your generous donation on their behalf.
Please include the recipient’s mailing address on the online form. You can view an example of one of our cards here.
PBB offers many ways for you support our mission, including by phone and mail, and with memorial and matching gifts.
Click here to find one that works for you!